Current student supported by Do Hawood


Deqa Ahmed (1997) - Is studying medicine at the University of Hargeisa. She has been supported by Do Hawood since 2017 and is expected to graduate in 2023. 


Hussein Eid Ibrahim (1994) - Has been supported by Do Hawood since 2018 and is studying medicine at the Edna Adan University. He comes from a poor family and was lucky enough to have received support from his cousin to finish secondary school and now apply for university. He is eager and motivated. He is expected to graduate in 2023.


Muna Mohammed Adam Jama (1997) - has been supported by Do Hawood since 2018 and is expected to graduate from medical school in 2023. She was one of the top 10 students in Somaliland in primary school and therefore was awarded a scholarship for her secondary school. Her current grades are excellent.

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Amal Jama Osman Derie (1998) - Was supported by Do Hawood to study medicine since 2018. She describes herself as an effortful, active and hardworking student. She was able to start medical school through support from her aunt and grandmother, however after her grandmother passed away she has struggled to pay her fees. She is expected to graduate in 2023.


Warda Mohamed Osman (1999) - Is studying Medicine at the University of Hargeisa. She was inspired to study medicine by her grandfather and other relatives that owned a pharmacy. Back in the day pharmacists where thought to be ´doctors´ and so she has also always been referred to as The Doctors Daughter. She has been supported since 2019 and expected to graduate in 2024.


Afnan Hassan Abdilahi Omer (2001)- Is a medical student at the University of Hargeisa, one of the students selected for Do Hawood support in 2020. She is motivated to be a doctor and to work on preventing and treating cancer patients. Expected graduation in 2025.


Nimao Hassan Abdulahi (2000) - Is a medical student at the University of Hargeisa and selected for support by Do Hawood in 2020. She has a high aim of becoming a neurosurgeon. She has always been interested in science, and organised weekend volunteer programs for other students to raise interest in science. Expected graduation in 2025.


Nimco Abdillahi All Guleid (1998) is a medical student at Hargeisa University and selected for support by Do Hawood in 2021. She has excellent GPA and is highly motivated to obtain a bachelors degree. Expected graduation is in 2025.


Rahma Mohamoud Yasa (1998) is a midwifery student at the University of Hargeisa School of Nursing. She comes from a poor family unable to support her university fees. She has heard many difficult childbearing stories and would like to become a midwife to make a difference and improve the situation in Somaliland. Expected graduation is in 2024.


Hibo Abdullahi Jama (2000) is a medical student at Hargeisa University. She enrolled in 2018 and was supported by Do Hawood since 2021. Her father supported her university fees during the initial years, unfortunately he passed away making it challenging for Hibo to pay her fees. Expected graduation in 2025.


Mubarik Salesian (2000) is a medical student at Hargeisa University. He has been supported by Do Hawood since 2022. Due to financial constrains he worked as a school teacher after high school graduation. He participated in a competitive exam and managed to get into the pre-med year at the University. Expected graduation in 2028.


Ahmed Jama Aden Nour (2003) is a medical student at Edna Adan University Hospital and has been supported by Do Hawood since 2022. He lost both his mother and sister due to complications in childbirth, and recognises the difficult situations people in rural areas of Somaliland face. He managed to be accepted for medical school and is expected to graduate in 2027.


Mohamoud Hussein Ismail (1980) is a pharmacy student at Edna University. He has been working as a shopkeeper previously and while studying in the evening. He has struggled to pay the fees so far and is grateful for support by Do Hawood for his final year. Expected graduation in 2023.


Hadiya Ali Said (1999) is a pharmacy student at Edna University and supported by Do Hawood since 2022. She initially thought she wanted to be a doctor but realised there are more essential medical professions. Her brothers heart condition and frequent visits to a pharmacy for his medication inspired her to be a pharmacist. Expected graduation in 2026.


Huda Hamse Mohamed Adan (2002) is a nursing student at Edna University and supported by Do Hawood since 2022. She comes from a middle-class family supported by her parents to study and become a nurse. Her parents are working hard to support her and her siblings for further education. She hopes Do Hawood support will make it easier for her parents. Expected graduation in 2025.